Together, We Break Barriers with the Elliott Family News | GOTR Chicago


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Together, We Break Barriers with the Elliott Family

International Day of the Girl 2024

Celebrate International Day of the Girl with Girls on the Run-Chicago

(From left to right: Jennifer, Judy, Dale, and Nicole Elliott)

“Together, we break the barriers that prevent girls from reaching their full potential, and build a brighter, more equitable future.” 

- Jennifer Elliott, GOTRC Board Member

The Elliott family—consisting of Jennifer, Judy, Dale, and Nicole—has been a cherished partner of Girls on the Run-Chicago for more than a decade. Year after year, they have generously supported GOTRC by running their own fundraising campaigns, providing matching gift funds for our initiatives, and sponsoring key events, all with the shared goal of supporting and investing in Chicagoland’s future women leaders. 

Since 2013, we’ve been fortunate to have Jennifer Elliott lend her expertise and passion to our cause through her service on the Governing Board, even serving as Board President 2019-2021. Her commitment to Girls on the Run-Chicago is truly inspiring, and her dedication is a testament to the transformative power of community investment.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Jennifer to learn more about why she continues to give her time, talents, and financial support to GOTRC, and what celebrating International Day of the Girl means to her and her family.

We celebrate the value and impact of the girls and women in our community by investing in them and helping remove barriers to realizing their full potential. With our investment in GOTRC, we hope to amplify female voices and contributions by supporting efforts that enlighten, empower and elevate girls early in their lives. GOTRC connects with girls at a pivotal time in their personal development which makes it particularly meaningful in its mission and impact.

A favorite GOTRC memory is attending a mid-season session with a school in our community. The girls were so engaged in the curriculum and quickly applied their learnings with authenticity, logic, and pride. The concepts and insights the girls articulated during the session made them seem wise beyond their years. In fact, they were able to embrace life skills that we adults still struggle with in our own lives. GOTRC is empowering our girls in ways I never could have imagined when I was 10 years old.

We were impressed with GOTRC as soon as we learned about their mission and programming, but became even more committed after attending a session in person and witnessing the incredible coaches interact with the girls. Each and every girl is seen and valued. Their enthusiasm inspires the girls to eagerly engage with one another and accomplish their lesson goals. GOTRC inspires and uplifts our girls - socially, emotionally and physically. We believe GOTRC gives our girls the tools to help navigate our complex world and to do it with confidence.

If you would like to join the Elliott family in supporting the next generation of women, give today!

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International Day of the Girl with Girls on the Run-Chicago

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We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

Publicación sobre Girls on the Run International