Crystal Brandy is a Girls on the Run-Chicago powerhouse! She has served as a coach for multiple seasons, SoleMate charity athlete, 5K volunteer, member of our Social Media Ambassador Team Empower Her, and more! We are incredibly grateful to Crystal’s dedication to Chicagoland girls and GOTRC, and are excited to share why she supports GOTRC, how she stays motivated during marathon training, and more.
Nickname: Crystal Lafay
City: Chicago, IL
Number of Marathons Run: 2
How many years have you been a SoleMate: 1—2022 is my first year as a SoleMate!
Top-three favorite running songs: Music in general gets my heart pumping to run.
Why do you support Girls on the Run-Chicago?
I support Girls on the Run-Chicago because it holds a special place in my heart and it’s a wonderful organization. They are giving back to the community by helping young girls succeed in life and take care of themselves as well.
Why do you run?
When I run, I feel I am capable of doing many things in this world. Running is my therapy and makes me happy. It’s fuel for the heart and soul. I am running towards something—a path yet to explore.
When did you start running?
September 2018
How do you stay motivated to run on tough days?
I remind myself that I can do hard things. Tough days are not permanent, they don’t last forever. On tough days, when I run I learn something new about myself—a new strength I haven’t tapped into yet. Running is being free and enjoying each step I take on the pavement.
Has running helped you get through or overcome tough times?
Absolutely! Running has helped me grow as a person. Running is a physical activity; however, it’s been a blessing to guide me mentally and spiritually. I’ve been running since I was a teenager, and I never thought running would become a huge part of my life.
What would you tell your 10-year-old self about working toward a big goal?
If you believe you can do it, you can—never give up on yourself. You can achieve your goals one step at a time.
Do you have any fundraising tips for your fellow teammates?
If you don’t succeed the first time, keep trying and don’t give up. Show your friends and family that Girls on the Run means something to you.
What is your superpower?
My superpower is Love. Love who I am and running. Love writing and expressing myself. Love helping people whenever I can. Love seeing everyone succeed in life.

Crystal and her daughter.